Memorial Diamonds Gallery

Yellow Diamond
With a hue reminiscent of the glow of sunshine on a summer afternoon, yellow diamonds are the most natural colour for memorial diamonds from ashes. When we turn ashes into diamonds, carbon is extracted and is then subjected to the High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) process to form the diamond. Yellow diamonds are the most affordable option and are popular as they are closest to the actual chemical composition of the ashes. This is due to the carbon extracted from the ashes not undergoing purification of the vital life elements Nitrogen and Boron inherent to the ashes. Additionally, yellow memorial diamonds have the shortest production time at an average of 6-11 months. We have perfected this shorter production process to enable our yellow memorial diamonds cost to be the lowest in the industry. If you want your memorial diamond to be the most natural and closest it can be to your loved one, and to be with you in the shortest time, a yellow diamond is the best choice for you.

Blue Diamond
Seeing blue diamonds from ashes invokes thoughts of peace and tranquility. Carbon is extracted from the ashes which is then subjected to the High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) process to form the diamond. Blue diamonds are blue due to purification to remove the Nitrogen from the ashes leaving only Boron. Boron is an element only created in stars. Thus, in blue memorial diamonds, your diamond is not only in remembrance of your loved ones but it is also a piece of Heaven. When you look at these memorial diamonds, you can rest easy knowing that your loved one is in a better place, free from the troubles of this world. They are at peace and they will always be with you.

Colourless Diamond
Purity, that is the word to describe our colourless diamonds. In order to turn ashes into diamonds this pure, carbon is extracted from the ashes which is then subjected to the High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) process to form the diamond. To make colourless diamonds, the carbon has been purified of all other elements from the ashes. The process to create colourless memorial diamonds is the most expensive, technical, and time consuming – this is why memorial diamonds cost more when they are this pure. On average, colourless diamonds from ashes take 7-11 months to create. However, nothing great comes easy. It is the same with a colourless diamond. From ashes and through great effort, your loved one is born again as a diamond free from any impurities. When you remember your loved one, know that they have been born again as something pure, beautiful, and eternal. Long after time goes on, the memory will endure as will your colourless memorial diamonds.